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An Archbishop between the Fronts: Mainz and the Imperial Election of 1742

An Archbishop between the Fronts: Mainz and the Imperial Election of 1742

A ceremonial medal from 1740 emphasizes the constant political course of the Archbishop of Mainz. But then came October 20, 1740, with consequences on a European scale that put Mainz and its archbishop in a difficult position.

After reading this article you know: 

  • Why the design of the medal leaves a lot of room for interpretation. 
  • What circumstances forced the Archbishop of Mainz to change his political course. 
  • Why the archbishop renounced his privilege to crown the emperor.
Rare gold medal from a politically troubled period

As part of the Beaury Collection, an extremely rare gold medal went under the hammer in our Spring Auction 383. It shows the Archbishop of Mainz, Philipp Karl von Eltz. We can only speculate as to why this magnificent medal of 10 ducats was made. Perhaps it was intended as a diplomatic gift of grace for high dignitaries. But what we do know: The medal was created in a critical year of the 18th century, as a result of which the previous balance of power in Europe threatened to collapse. And Mainz got caught between the fronts.

Archdiocese of Mainz, Philipp Karl von Eltz-Kempenich: gold medal of 10 ducats 1740. Very rare. Almost extremely fine. From Künker auction 386 (March 2023), lot 4884. Estimate: 35,000 euros.
One medal – different interpretations

Let's stay with the medal for a moment, after all it shows us a fascinating motif that is worth taking a closer look at. Like many early modern medals, it shows an emblem on the reverse; an image and a motto that together convey a message. We see a wagon wheel standing still in a landscape with wind, sun and clouds. The inscription can be roughly translated as “always steady despite the most diversified movements” or “always the same in different situations”. 

It is modern thought to believe that there is one singular meaning. At the time, people enjoyed the very fact that these images and texts could be interpreted in different ways and that they could show off their own erudition while discussing the matter. The chariot wheel makes the difference: On the one hand, it can represent Mainz because the wheel is the coat of arms of the archdiocese. (There is a little flaw as the wheel of Mainz actually has only 6 spokes.) Therefore, the emblem can be interpreted like this: unimpressed by wind and weather, by events of any kind, the wheel, Mainz, the archbishop remains steadfast and true to their course. 

On the other hand, the wheel is the classic symbol for fate, luck, the changeable course of things. The wheel of fortune, as was said in the Middle Ages, is always turning: whoever was on top just now may be crushed under the wheel tomorrow. If we consider the wheel as a symbol of fate, the wind that is blown out of the clouds could also be understood as guidance by God. The message: It is God who drives this wheel and sets the course, nothing else guides the destiny of the archdiocese. 

It is probably pure coincidence that the steadfastness of Mainz politics was put to the test in the same year – 1740 – and fate was to change course. A conflict was brewing in Europe.

No Son in the House of Habsburg

As was so often the case at this time, this conflict was about the succession: Emperor Karl VI. only had daughters. Therefore he did everything he could to ensure that the other European potentators would accept his eldest daughter Maria Theresia as his heir – and her husband Franz Stephan of Lorraine as emperor. For this reason, the Emperor also approached the Archbishop of Mainz, who is depicted on our medal. After all, Philip Karl was not only one of the electors who were allowed to elect the emperor. He also held the office of Imperial Chancellor, who was responsible for organizing the election and coronation of the emperor. 

Philip Karl of Eltz supported the Habsburgs in their cause, for which he was able to obtain several benefits for himself and his family: a considerable life annuity, elevation to the rank of Imperial Count, and the possibility of acquiring lands in what is now Croatia.

Karl VI, 1711-1740. Silver medal 1740, by P. H. Goedecke, commemorating his death and the dim year of 1740. Very rare. Extremely fine. From Künker auction 385 (March 2023), No. 3672. Estimate: 500 euros.
Edward VI, 1547-1553. Shilling (12 pence) n.d. (1551), London. Very fine. Estimate: 600 euros. From Künker auction 386 (March 2023), No. 5587.
The Fight for succession

Then came the year 1740, when our medal was created. On October 20, the emperor died, and Philip Karl had preparations made for the election of a successor. This was supposed to be Franz Stephan of Lorraine, Maria Theresia's husband. But despite the careful preparations of the late emperor, things turned out differently: Various states sensed an opportunity to expand at the expense of the now weakened Habsburgs and raised claims to inheritance. 

The newly crowned Friedrich II of Prussia began his bloody career by invading Austrian-ruled Silesia. Saxony, Bavaria, Spain and France allied against Habsburg. With the support of France, Elector Karl Albrecht of Bavaria laid claims to the imperial crown that the Habsburgs had held for over 300 years. The War of the Austrian Succession had begun.

City of Mainz: Silver medal 1689, by P. H. Müller, commemorating Maximilian II Emanuel of Bavaria, the recapture of the city and expulsion of the French occupiers. Extremely rare. Fine +. From Künker auction 386 (March 2023), No. 4891. Estimate: 5,000 euros.
France at the Gates

And now Philipp Karl von Eltz had a problem in Mainz. Should he stand by the Habsburgs and against the new candidate, as promised? Despite the changing course of events, would its course remain constant, as our medal proclaimed? Something spoke against it: France. The expansive kingdom had long been a threat to Mainz. 51 years earlier, France was able to conquer the city - a medal from the Künker auction 386 with an impressive view of the besieged city bears witness to this. Just a few years before 1740, French troops had again threatened Mainz. It was important to act cautiously here.

Philipp Karl von Eltz initially tried to mediate, vehemently supporting Franz Stephan. However, without success. Were his promises to a dead emperor really worth the risk of a French invasion? France’s threats became more and more blatant and the Archbishop decided: No.

Frankfurt, city. Silver medal 1742, by F. A. Schega, commemorating the election of Karl VII as Roman Emperor. Very rare. Very fine to extremely fine. From Künker auction 386 (March 2023), No. 5258. Estimate: 2,000 euros.
The Wheel of Fortune Is Turning

Reluctantly, Karl Philipp von Eltz gave up his opposition and agreed to support Karl Albrecht of Bavaria in the election of the emperor. The latter was then crowned emperor in Frankfurt on January 14, 1742 – but not by the archbishop of Mainz, as was the tradition, but by the archbishop of Cologne. Eltz voluntarily renounced his privilege. Why? Officially, because the Archbishop of Cologne happened to be the brother of the new emperor. Unofficially, however, Eltz may have been glad that his involuntary change of course did not culminate in the coronation of the emperor by his hand. The following year, the archbishop died at the age of 78. 

Meanwhile, the wheel of fortune continued to turn relentlessly, as the newly crowned Emperor Kalr VII quickly found out. Only two days after his triumphant coronation in Frankfurt, Austria invaded Munich. The emperor first had to live in exile in Frankfurt. Three years later, the imperial crown was finally wrested from the Wittelsbachers. But the War of the Austrian Succession was anything but over.

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