Collector's portraits
Dr. Eike Druckrey

Collector's portraits

8 articles
13. October 2024
Dr. Eike Druckrey

Dr Druckrey was inspired to delve into ancient numismatics by his father, who over the years gave or bequeathed his son a wide range of coins. These gifts presented a challenge for the boy, who would first identify the coins more precisely, and then try to understand their historical background as thoroughly and comprehensively as possible. We know from great British universal historian Arnold J. Toynbee that a challenge is the best way to provoke someone’s creative response. In this respect, it would be wonderful if more parents gave these kinds of gifts to their children at an early age,to encourage them to engage with the history and geography of our world. Coins are among the most fascinating objects that enable us to do this.

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01. September 2024
The Collection of a German Manufacturer and History Enthusiast
The present collection of coinage from the period of the Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648), the importance of which can hardly be surpassed, was assembled over the last quarter-century by an entrepreneur who, in addition to his professional activities, found time for a wide range of different interests. Equipped with an enormous thirst for knowledge, our collector soaked up the most complex information and facts from every conceivable field of science -- and also from day-to-day politics -- like a sponge. He was particularly passionate about history and important historical figures.
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01. September 2024
Heinz-Falk Geiser

Heinz-Falk Gaiser wurde am 8. Dezember 1942 in Bernburg an der Saale geboren.

Sein Vater Heinz Reinhard stammte aus Leipzig und war Flugkapitän und Abnahmepilot bei Hugo Junkers im anhaltischen Bernburg. Die Flugzeuge wurden nach der Fertigstellung im Werk einmal von Abnahmepiloten geflogen, bevor sie an die Luftwaffe ausgeliefert wurden.

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01. September 2024
The Regina Adams Collection – Selected Lösertalers from the House of Guelph

My story with Regina Adams and her husband John began, as it had with my father a few years earlier, at the New York Coin Fair in 2008.

Regina and John Adams visited our booth and were interested in our upcoming auction, which contained a suitable Löser for Regina‘s collection. It must have been the 2-thaler rider-piece from 1655 by August the Younger (lot number 1546 in this catalogue) that actually found its way into the collection. I still remember how fascinated I was by the friendly and elegant couple.

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04. February 2024
Prof Dr Eckhart Pick

Eckhart Pick was born in Mainz on 8 February 1941. As a child, he was forced to witness the destruction of his parents’ house in the Große Bleiche in a bombing raid. After the war he attended the Rabanus Maurus Gymnasium college preparatory school from 1951 until his graduation there in 1960. Thereafter he studied philosophy and law at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, graduating in 1965 and 1968 with both state examinations in law. In 1969, Eckhart Pick obtained his doctorate in law with the topic “The efforts of the estates to achieve a permanent electoral capitulation and the result in 1711” and habilitated (after four years as an Assistant Professor) with the publication “Mainz Imperial State Law – Content and Method: a contribution to the ius publicum at the University of Mainz in the 18th century.”

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31. January 2024
Dr. Ing. Kaya Sayar and his magnificent Asia Minor Collection

We are very proud that the dedicated collector Dr Kaya Sayar has entrusted us with his exquisite collection of 2,000 coins, which he has built up over thirty years with great commitment and energy. His decision to offer them for sale in two Künker auctions is a vote of confidence in our company and our work. We are most grateful to our longstanding client Dr Sayar and his family for the trust they have placed in us.

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31. January 2024
Mag. Heinz Tursky

Die numismatische Wissenschaft und das Sammeln von Münzen sind seit jeher eng miteinander verbunden, es sind die beiden Seiten der Medaille des Phänomens Numismatik und untrennbar miteinander verknüpft. Der Innsbrucker Numismatiker Professor Heinz Tursky verkörperte in seiner Person gleichzeitig den engagierten Wissenschaftler und den leidenschaftlichen Münzsammler.

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26. September 2023
Lodewijk S. Beuth
In 1950, Lodewijk Beuth visited our office at Keizersgracht 448 for the first time. He was looking for “escape gold”. The Second World War was still omnipresent, and the fact that it had been necessary for him to flee and go into hiding had given him this idea.
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